More Money To get a large amount of money easily, enter GiveMe More as a name, then choose to edit that name to return to the name entry screen. The name will still be there. Just accept it again to add another $10 million to your total.
Cheat Mode Select the "Game Modes" option at the main menu. Then, select "Fight To The Top".
$10 million: Enter GiveMe as a first name and More as a last name.
10 million fans: Enter AllBow as a first name and ToMe as a last name.
All Chase plates: Enter ItsAll as a first name and ForMe as a last name.
Exclusive: Walmart EveryDay
Level 10 Prestige: Enter Outta as a first name and MyWay as a last name.
No Collision Mode: Walmart NoCollision
Old Spice Fantasy track and all cars and drivers in all four divisions: Enter KeepCool as a first name and SmellGreat as a last name.
No collision mode Enter Walmart as a first name and NoCollision as a last name. This mode can be turned on or off in the Damage selection in Race Now mode and will appear as "Wal-Mart No Collision Mode". When this mode is enabled your car will be able to drive through all other cars on the track (in a sense "Ghost mode"), resulting in no damage to your car. However, as a result of driving through other cars your Rival meter will increase, as if you hit them under normal racing modes. |